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The collective situation would be happier and healthier if y every just split up. This is the upshot of you staying subsequent to him after the affair wrote different person. OP wanting her boundaries is easy to get to but there s no habit a child existing can t complicate your life. If OP really wants to stay subsequent to her husband demo substitute commenter said you infatuation to acquire to know his child. If she can t reach that the marriage isn t going to work.Some commenters did offer OP some props for pedophiliac sticking to her rules though. I love this for you You made your boundaries clear and now he can t keep his side of the bargain. You aren t telling him not to be a father but if his AFFAIR child has to enliven with HIM subsequently he can t enliven subsequently YOU. OP replied proverb the last sentence was basically it and pedo tally a crucial fragment of recommendation I never even wanted to have kids of my own. That makes OP s turn every the more true to us.

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